[100% Off] Become a Blockchain Developer: Ethereum + Solidity + Project| Worth 129,99$
Smart Contract Programming on Ethereum Blockchain - Bonus Project: Learn how to code an Ethereum Wallet with Solidity
What you'll learn
- Become a Blockchain Developer: Ethereum + Solidity + Project
- Ethereum Smart Contract Programming with Solidity
- Smart Contract Programming on Ethereum Blockchain
- Bonus Project: Learn how to code an Ethereum Wallet with Solidity
- Learn how to code a Distributed Wallet in Ethereum Blockchain, with Solidity, including project workflow & everything else.
- We will be making the sendMoney function which will give access to all accounts to deposit money to the smart contract.
- We will be coding the pure, view functions and a withdrawal function to withdraw money from the smart contract.
- Adding Extra features: The play pause button and destroying the Smart Contact.
- Destroying the Smart Contract from the blockchain and its limitation.
- The client service interaction with your smart contract and how to give out logs.
- Creating and emitting the events in our project.
- Introduction to the UTXO model and its implementation
- The participant roles and types of accounts in Ethereum
- The transaction requirements are explained for ether and the whole incentive model is described.
- How Blockchain integrity is maintained.
- Understanding the process and workflow of smart contracts and Solidity language.
- Learn how to setup Metamask.
- Learn how to setup remix, add plugins and how things work in remix.
- All the basic variables usage and getter functions run and deployed in remix.
- The totally different data type, the address, used out here and how it makes coding easy for smart contracts.
- Fixed point numbers in Solidity.
- Variables Theory.
- The most used data type in Solidity. It makes your life much easier.
- World of user-defined data types and their usage in Solidity coding.
- Enums and their uses.
- The user-defined data type less used.
- Theory of mappings and user-defined data types.
- Explanation of all the variables used in course practical sessions.
- Types of functions and their usage and catching errors.
- Writing your own functions and running them.
- Learn about error checking when deploying any Smart Contract.
- Minimizing all errors in your codes.
- Will tell you about some important properties which will help a lot in your coding.
- The power of contract oriented programming and reusability of codes of contract.
- Data structures and variables created. Mapping and constructor also focused on.
This course includes:
- 4 hours on-demand video
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of completion
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