[100% Off] Python Bootcamp 2020 Build 15 working Applications and Games| Worth 199,99$
Learn complete python with basics, data science, data visualisation, desktop graphical applications and python for web.
What you'll learn
- Complete Python.
- Python basics like data-types, loops, decision-makings, file handling, libraries, modules, date-times etc.
- Terminal based programming applications using Python.
- Artificial intelligent Python game.
- Python for desktop applications and GUI programming.
- Creating desktop applications using Tkinter with Python.
- Using databases using Python.
- Turtle graphics for creating graphical applications and motion using Python
- Real working 5+ graphical games using Python.
- Use of keyboard keys to move objects in your applications and in games using python
- learn to build smart calculators and dictionaries using python.
- Datascience and data visualisation using python.
- data visualisation using Matplotlib in python.
- data visualisation using Seaborn in python.
- data visualisation using pandas in python.
- data visualisation using poorly and cufflinks in python.
- data analysis using Numpy and pandas in python.
- geoplotting using python.
- learn to build an automatic plotter for data visualisation.
- learn to build big data analysis project with more than 60million + data using python.
- basemaps using python.
This course includes
- 31.5 hours on-demand video
- 81 articles
- 64 downloadable resources
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of Completion
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