[100% Free] MongoDB Training
Understand in-depth the concepts of MongoDB and apply them. Become a MongoDB Database Architect. Apply for MongoDB jobs.
What you'll learn
- Understand what is MongoDB and its application
- Prepare for MongoDB Certification
- Introduction, Installation, Configuration of MongoDB
- CURD Operations (Create and Insert)
- CURD Operations (Update and Delete)
- Data Modeling and Model Tree Structure
- On-demand Materialized Views, Capped Collections, Text Search
- Database References, Write Concern, Aggregation
- Operators - Query Projection, Comparison, Logical
- Operators - Evaluation, Array, Update
- Update Documents, Field Update Operator, Array Update Operator, Bitwise Update Operator
- Introduction to mongo Shell
- mongo Shell Methods - Collection Methods, Cursor and Database Methods, Bulk Operation Methods
- Indexes and Storage
- Replication and Deploying the Replication
- Sharding
- Administering MongoDB
- Interview Questions
- Practical Demo
This course includes
- 12.5 hours on-demand video
- 16 downloadable resources
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of Completion
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