[100% Free] The Complete Python and JavaScript Course: Build Projects (27 Hours)
Want to learn ES6 development and TensorFlow stock market prediction modeling? Build your first web app in this course!
What Will I Learn?
- Build web apps using JavaScript ES6!
- Code in JavaScript and Python.
- Calculate linear regression in the TensorFlow framework.
- Make an app with Python that uses data to predict the stock market.
- Build impressive models with a single variable.
- Understand where to use machine learning and how to use data.
- Navigate the PyCharm integrated development environment.
- Download all source code and files from projects.
- And much more in this epic Mammoth Interactive course!
- 27 hours on-demand video
- 8 Articles
- 5 Supplemental Resources
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of Completion
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