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[100% Off] Entrepreneurship/New Thinking - missing pieces in the jigsaw| Worth 95$

[100% Off] Entrepreneurship/New Thinking - missing pieces in the jigsaw| Worth 95$


This course outlines some new thinking for Business Success in the 21st Century. If you are a leader, manager, or a solopreneur this course gives you new ways to look at what you do. Many of the ideas here are deliberately provocative and thought stimulating, so if you take the course, please chip in with your own thoughts, concepts and new thinking in the discussion thread!

So, are you already a successful entrepreneur or would you like to become one? Are you following traditional thinking and guidance about how to become ‘successful’ in your chosen subject area, or are you looking for new and better ways to live your life and to do your business?

Taken from a series of live lectures delivered by the author, the Course gets you to look differently at entrepreneurship that is fit for the 21st Century. Although full of insights for entrepreneurs working in big business, this course is especially relevant for the solopreneur and freelancer who want to take their business to the next ‘level’. The course is also full of insight for anyone thinking of starting their own business and wanting to become an entrepreneur.

Although we still need to continue with many of the business processes of the past which are (not covered here) it is important to take stock and consider how new thinking, new knowledge and new skills will enhance your business longevity, wellbeing and success. The course is not about the things that lead to short-term transient success, but is about the things you need to THINK about and take ACTION on, in order to achieve long-term meaningful 'success'.

The course comprises several live recorded talks that have been delivered to various professional/networking groups in the UK and the content includes: 

  • How Premature Organisation prevents Conception
  • A Four Quadrant model of Knowledge 
  • A ‘Cash Flow Quadrant’ especially relevant for Solopreneurs
  • A new approach to your 'Health Insurance'
  • Mind Mapping introduced as an important business skill
  • Expert Frame of Mind v the Learner Frame of Mind (and the fall of the expert)
  • The rise of the Millionaire Teachers
  • My FIVE Knowledges for Business Success
  • A different perspective about TIME (How much have you got?)
  • The importance of Sleep time, Downtime and Brain Time

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