[100% Off] Ultimate Guide of Creating Isometric Designs in Ilustrator| Worth 100$
Course Description
What is the Course About?
If you want to learn making isometric shapes and designs then, You might want to get this course. You will cover 3D dimensional Design conversion into 2D dimensional Designs. As the style will be in 3D but, Originally all will be 2D vector Designs.
What You will Learn?
3D Style 2D Logos, Icons in Isometric drawing, How to Make LineArt, Converting LineArt to Vector Design, Making 2D Flat Designs, Learning Perspectives and Angles. Designing Game Asset in Illustrator.
How Long Course will Take?
It totally depend on you!
The course is basically designed in a simple way so you can understand it clearly. Hardly it will take 2 or 3 Days to complete the course but practice makes the man perfect so, I strongly advice you to keep adding your own quality in designs and keep practicing to make excellent designs.
How Course is Structured?
Simple, Easy and Step by Step. Nothing Complicated.
Why Take This Course?
Design trend of 2016-2017 and upcoming most demanded vector designs. The first ever course on internet with everything explained clearly and in professional manner.
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