[100% Off] Etsy newbies & Social Media basics your journey starts here| Worth 20$
Course Description
Did you know that Etsy had over 1 billion dollars in transactions last year? What if you could go back in time and start selling one eBay when only a few know about it! This is what Etsy is all about with not too many sellers and over 50 million buyers where the average seller makes over $2,000 while those on the top making a living the dream. You can as well join this course today and learn some of the methods that will get you to the top of the food chain instructors by two of the top teachers on Udemy.
In this course, you will learn about the kinds of products that make money on Etsy (handmade items, antique items, and one of a kind items), and how to effectively sell on Etsy using SEO, social media marketing, and right on Etsy by making sure that your product has good visibility within their crowded platform, and that people actually buy your product after they discover it. You will also learn the basics of setting up your Paypal account and your Etsy account, and how to take the first steps of running your Etsy business, which will hopefully put you on your way to becoming the next Etsy success story.
Remember this course is a small preview of the larger Etsy course which features over 65 lectures 5 hour of content and give you 40 free listing to get started on etsy, each listing on etsy normally cost 20 cents but on the plus side you get 3 months exposure and etsy only charges you 4% final value fees and they accept Paypal plus a wide variety of payments methods. Etsy is the next big thing in ecommerce learn the reasons why by joining this course.
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