[100% Off] Business Plan: Executive Summary "All You Need To Know!"|Worth 20$
Course Description
In this no fluff, just over 60 minutes course you will learn:
- How to write a "Winning" Executive Summary
- How to attract investors
- How to create an Executive Summary that will better serve all stakeholders
I have structured the course so that you either watch all lectures in one seating or pick the lectures that are relevant to the particular questions you have in mind. Create
You will benefit from this course if:
- You need to raise seed capital, or other rounds of funding
- You have been struggling to raise finance for your business
- You have had your business plan rejected
- You want to make sure investors are keen on your idea
- You need clarity to your venture/project/business
This course will help you cut your learning curve and position you above the 1000's seeking investments for their business idea!
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